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Our Services:


Most working New Zealanders will already have a KiwiSaver fund.

Unfortunately, it’s common that these investments are not being maximized towards their primary intended purpose: providing for retirement.

If you are....

  • unsure of what KiwiSaver provider you are with,

  • which fund you are in,

  • or are with your bank’s KiwiSaver purely because they upsold you on the ability to see your KiwiSaver fund in their mobile app

Then there’s a good chance you may not be in the best KiwiSaver fund for your specific situation.

The best KiwiSaver fund for you right now depends on your current investor profile, timeframe for using your KiwiSaver (first home purchase and age 65 being the main markers), other investments, & long-term plans/goals.

And notably as your situation changes the fund type you are in may need to change too.  

Simply changing your

-KiwiSaver provider,

-fund type,

-or contribution rate

could make a dramatic difference to what you end up with in retirement.

We provide KiwiSaver recommendations and ongoing advice to ensure you are in the right fund for right now, and the right fund later down the track as your situation changes.  

Saving and investing with managed fund investments

Managed funds are a great way for investors to grow their savings and save for retirement, gaining access to diversified portfolios of professionally managed assets they would not otherwise have access to.

Most most New Zealanders will already have some experience with managed fund investments through their KiwiSaver funds (which are a type of managed fund).

Like with KiwiSaver there are a wide range of different fund managers and funds you can choose to invest in.

And because managed funds don't have restrictions on access like KiwiSaver funds do (i.e. KiwiSaver is locked in until age 65) they can also work well as a way for saving and investing towards pre-retirement goals. 

For example, you could use a managed fund investment for:

If you are seeking greater return on your savings over the long term then managed fund investments may be the right solution for you.

We provide investment recommendations specific to your situation and goals.

And we provide accompanying ongoing advice to ensure you are in the right fund to grow your savings over the long term.

Transferring your UK pension to New Zealand

If you have a UK pension from working in the UK but now reside in New Zealand it may be worth considering transferring this pension to New Zealand.

Deciding on whether to transfer your UK pension to New Zealand can depend on several different factors including:

  • the amount of time you have been in New Zealand since leaving the UK,

  • the value of your pension,

  • tax implications,

  • and your current situation & future plans.

To help you make the best decision for you we offer a no commitment consultation where we will outline what you need to consider when making this important decision.

And if you do choose to transfer your UK pension to NZ we can help by:

  • Providing financial advice & recommendation for an appropriate New Zealand based qualifying recognized overseas pension scheme (QROPS) that suits your investor profile & goals.

  • Facilitating the transfer process from your existing pension provider into the NZ QROPS.

  • Providing ongoing financial advice for your pension funds while they remain invested in the NZ QROPS (note that currently the earliest you may access transferred funds is age 55, set to increase to 57 in 2028).

We help clients with UK pension to NZ transfers under our brand MoveMyPension

Financial & retirement planning

Chances are you have already taken steps towards saving for retirement by contributing to your KiwiSaver fund to keep it growing.

But what does retirement actually look like for you?


  • When do you want to retire? At age 65? Sooner?

  • Do want to fully retire, or continue working part time?

  • How much regular income will you need in retirement?

  • To provide this level of income how much would you need invested?

Regardless of what retirement looks like to you we can help by:

  • creating a plan to get you there,

  • and provide ongoing advice and guidance to retirement and beyond.

Our fees:

One-off flat fees for financial advice:

Depending on the service provided we may charge a flat one-off advice fee. This is to provide a formal recommendation based on your personal financial situation and goals (and help implement the recommendation if you choose to proceed with it).

Kiwisaver: $0- we do not charge clients to provide KiwiSaver recommendations from the range of KiwiSaver providers we work with. 

Managed fund investments:  $250 - we charge clients a one-off fee to provide a managed fund investment recommendation suitable to their goals (and help implement the recommendation if you choose to proceed with it).

UK Pensions transfer fee: depends on complexity and size of pension being transferred. Contact us for a quote.

Financial & retirement analysis and planning: $650 - $1250 based on complexity/ how many different facets of the client's situation we need to cover in the analysis and plan. Fee payable on presentation of the plan.

Premium Investment Service: Fisher Funds Individually Managed Account (IMA) service: $1000 - we charge clients a one-off fee to set up and manage this adviser only service.

Ongoing adviser fees: 

We charge ongoing adviser fees to provide ongoing financial advice and support to our clients for the investments we recommend. These ongoing fees are deducted from your investments similar to the standard fund management fees you pay.

Ongoing adviser fees paid by clients vary based on investment type and provider used:

  • KiwiSaver

    Ongoing adviser fee - Provider commission: Typically the KiwiSaver provider will pay the adviser a trail (ongoing) fee as a sort of commission to manage and provide financial advice to the client on their KiwiSaver fund. This commission is paid by the KiwiSaver Provider direct to the adviser.  This commission is normally 0.25% or 0.50% of funds under management.

    Ongoing adviser fee - Client paid fee: We may in some cases also charge a additional ongoing adviser fee, to the client, on top of the commission paid to us by the Provider.  This will only be in cases where the commission received is less than 0.50% p.a.

    The total ongoing adviser fee we receive for KiwiSaver (made up of Provider and/or client paid fee) will not exceed 0.50% p.a. of funds under management.

  • Managed fund investments: client pays between 0.25% - 0.50% p.a. of funds under management.

  • Financial & retirement analysis and planning: Analysis and planning work does not incur ongoing fees. However, note that any KiwiSaver and/or managed fund products (including Fisher Funds IMA) included in the plan/recommendations will have their have their standard ongoing fees apply.

  • Fisher Funds Individually Managed Account (IMA) service: client pays 0.75% p.a. of funds under management.

More about ongoing financial advice fees

Our belief is that financial advice is most effective when utilised over a long period of time (ongoing advice) and our service reflects this approach. Having your investments overseen by us as your financial advisers means that you can seek further guidance from us whenever you need.

And it means over time we can ensure the investments remain appropriate for your needs, or make changes if needed. Ongoing financial advice means having the reassurance that you are heading in the right direction.

Ongoing fees are charged as a percentage of fund under management i.e. a small percent of your invested funds, much the same way that fund managers charge fund administration fees. The are normally deducted from your investment account by the fund manager and paid direct to the adviser, monthly.

More about the Fisher Funds Individually Managed Account (IMA) service

The Fisher Funds Individually Managed Account (IMA) is our premium service. There is an investment minimum of $50,000 for this service.  This Fisher Funds IMA service is only available through financial advisors. It offers:

  • Simple and effective portfolio management– a single platform from which to acquire, retain and sell all your investments. You can invest in non-Fisher funds managed funds (including some lower cost wholesale funds), term deposits, individual shares etc. on this platform. If you personally own shares you can transfer them onto the platform to keep all your investments in one place.

  • A range of investment options – Model and Custom Portfolios are available which provide comprehensive exposure across many asset classes.

  • Security – your investments are held in trust for you by an independent custodian. FNZ Limited (FNZ) or a sub-custodian appointed by FNZ hold the assets invested in the IMA. FNZ has over $20 billion in assets under custody in New Zealand

  • Consolidated reporting – regular consolidated transaction, valuation and performance reporting on your Account replaces multiple reports for individual investments.

  • One point of contact – your Adviser can answer your questions, provide investment advice and take care of transactions on your behalf.

  • Some tax advantages & online access to the platform to view your portfolio at any time.

Want to know more about how we can help you plan for the future?

Use our webform to contact us:



Financial Planning

UK pension transfer
Saving for retirement
Financial Planning